

デヴィッド・ストックマン(David Stockman, 米元政治家・評論家
# 借金を踏み倒すギリシャはけしからん、という論調が目立つけれども、貸した側の「自己責任」も問われなければならない。EUが解体すれば、ギリシャを含む放漫財政の国々はもはやドイツに頼ることはできず、自力で経済を再建しなければならない。そのほうが欧州の将来は明るいだろう。ただし超政府という最悪の選択も否定できない。(木村)
So Syriza is right to say that the devastated citizens of Greece do not owe Deutsche Bank and the rest of the bankers and punters a dime for the Greek bonds that their earlier governments imprudently issued and which the traders and managers of these institutions foolishly bought. The fact that German government caused these debts to be transferred to their own taxpayers is Berlin’s problem, not Athens’.... 
In short, Germany has no choice except to let Greece go and to allow the entire EU bailout state to unravel, and then to pay the piper for its statist follies. 
The alternative is an all-powerful superstate in Brussels and Frankfurt that will necessarily extinguish whatever remains of political democracy and capitalist prosperity in Europe. 
The latter would also permanently bury German taxpayers in other people’s debt. 

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