英国民の良心を目覚めさせ平和を支持させるには、過去の戦争で彼らが果たした役割について真実をすべて明らかにしなければならない。…英国は平和愛好国(peace-loving nation)だという幻想に浸っている限り、良心の目覚めは望めない。(コブデン)
アキレウスの新しい楯(shield)に描かれた、美しい二つの町。平和の町と戦争の町。一方では争いを民衆と法の裁きに委ねる。他方はきらめく武具と恐ろしい戦いで白熱する。 (ホメロス『イリアス』、ポープ訳)
大国が小国の内政に干渉する口実はわかっている。秩序の維持だ。偽善に満ちた口実(hypocritical pretence)だと、はっきり言わせてもらう。 (コブデン)
どんな理由で戦争を続けようというのか。…英国民は欧州のドン・キホーテ(Don Quixotes of Europe)となって、不届き者のいる限り、あらゆる大義のために戦うとでもいうのか。 (コブデン)
経済の停滞と貧困の原因は何か。戦争だ。それ以外にない。戦争は疫病を運ぶ風のように、国々の繁栄を損なう。あたかもむさぼり食う悪霊(devouring fiend)のように、国の貴重な財宝、発展の基礎、国民の幸福を食い尽くす。 (ジェームズ・ミル)
政府支出(government spending)は益よりも害が大きい。生産手段を再配分し、個人が求めてもいない目標を達成しようとする。個人は社会を構成し、その社会の改善が政府の役割とされるにもかかわらず。
財政赤字そのものの削減を目標とする政策は誤っている。経済にとって重要なのは財政赤字の規模ではなく、政府支出(government outlays)の規模である。つまり、政府が自分の活動に充てる経済資源の量(を小さくすること)である。
財源問題を強調しすぎると、別の(より重要な)問題を見逃してしまう。新たな公共事業(government programs)が実際にそもそも役立つのかどうか、実際は無駄遣いで非生産的ではないのか、という問題である。
見せかけの繁栄を維持するには、政府支出をつねに増やし続けなければならない。すると生産活動に占める非生産的な事業の割合が高まる。政府支出の増大に歯止めがかからないと、制御不能のインフレ(runaway inflation)をもたらす。
無制限に増え続ける国債は、赤字財政(deficit spending)が社会原則と化したことを示す。…最後は貨幣価値の低下とインフレ。それによって中産階級は気づかぬうちに経済的に殺される。革命の武器としてインフレは完璧である。
財政赤字そのものの削減を目標とする政策は誤っている。経済にとって重要なのは財政赤字の規模ではなく、政府支出(government outlays)の規模である。つまり、政府が自分の活動に充てる経済資源の量(を小さくすること)である。
財源問題を強調しすぎると、別の(より重要な)問題を見逃してしまう。新たな公共事業(government programs)が実際にそもそも役立つのかどうか、実際は無駄遣いで非生産的ではないのか、という問題である。
見せかけの繁栄を維持するには、政府支出をつねに増やし続けなければならない。すると生産活動に占める非生産的な事業の割合が高まる。政府支出の増大に歯止めがかからないと、制御不能のインフレ(runaway inflation)をもたらす。
無制限に増え続ける国債は、赤字財政(deficit spending)が社会原則と化したことを示す。…最後は貨幣価値の低下とインフレ。それによって中産階級は気づかぬうちに経済的に殺される。革命の武器としてインフレは完璧である。
1%の人々の富が、99%の人々の生活水準を高める。「私たちは99%だ」とデモで訴える人々は、この事実に気づかない。資本主義と市場経済に適さない、色眼鏡(intellectual lens)を通して世界を見ているからだ。
資本家の数と富が多ければ多いほど、製品の供給と労働への需要は増える。すると物価は下がり賃金は上がる。つまり、あらゆる人の生活水準(standard of living of everyone)が高まる。
富が政府からの補助金や、関税など政府の介入で競争を妨げることによって得られた場合、生活水準は向上しない。政府が厳格な自由放任政策(policy of strict laissez-faire)から離れるほど、そうなる。
弓矢(bow and arrow)は攻撃してくる者だけに狙いを定めることが可能だ。しかし核兵器はそれができない。したがって核兵器およびそれに類する兵器の使用・威嚇は人道に対する罪であり、正当化できない。
核兵器を違法と考えるべき国際法上の原則は数多い。不要な苦痛の禁止、過剰防衛の禁止(principle of proportionality)、戦闘員と非戦闘員の区別、中立国に危害を及ぼす行為の禁止、環境破壊の禁止、ジェノサイドの禁止、および人権法の基本原則などだ。
広島・長崎の破壊は戦争犯罪である。それは東京裁判やマニラ軍事裁判で裁かれた日本の将軍たちが犯したどの罪よりも重い。もし(原爆投下を命じた)トルーマン大統領(Harry Truman)が戦争犯罪人でなければ、戦争犯罪人などいないことになる。
米兵を救うためなら日本の子供を殺してよいということにはならない。それはタリバンの兵士(Taliban soldiers)を救うためなら米国の子供に爆弾を落としてよいと言うのと変わらない。市民を標的にしてその政府を操るのは、テロの定義そのものだ。
日本自身、南京事件や従軍慰安婦問題といった残虐行為を深く調べていない罪がある。しかし「みんなそうだ」(“everybody does it”)とは五歳の子供の言い訳だ。原爆投下が必要だったか、米国が調べない理由にはならない。
核兵器を違法と考えるべき国際法上の原則は数多い。不要な苦痛の禁止、過剰防衛の禁止(principle of proportionality)、戦闘員と非戦闘員の区別、中立国に危害を及ぼす行為の禁止、環境破壊の禁止、ジェノサイドの禁止、および人権法の基本原則などだ。
広島・長崎の破壊は戦争犯罪である。それは東京裁判やマニラ軍事裁判で裁かれた日本の将軍たちが犯したどの罪よりも重い。もし(原爆投下を命じた)トルーマン大統領(Harry Truman)が戦争犯罪人でなければ、戦争犯罪人などいないことになる。
米兵を救うためなら日本の子供を殺してよいということにはならない。それはタリバンの兵士(Taliban soldiers)を救うためなら米国の子供に爆弾を落としてよいと言うのと変わらない。市民を標的にしてその政府を操るのは、テロの定義そのものだ。
日本自身、南京事件や従軍慰安婦問題といった残虐行為を深く調べていない罪がある。しかし「みんなそうだ」(“everybody does it”)とは五歳の子供の言い訳だ。原爆投下が必要だったか、米国が調べない理由にはならない。
国内情勢の危機を軽視し、軍のメンツにこだわって、終戦を遅らせ、原爆投下を招いたという意味で、私は、広島、長崎の壊滅の責任をアメリカだけでなく、日本も負うべきであると考えています。…ある種の日米合作…。 (p.136)
In 1986, however, everything changed. Conservatives joined liberals in scorning the tax credit as a "subsidy"...and in rejecting the tax credit approach as a "loophole," a breach in the noble ideal of a monolithic uniformity of taxation. Instead of trying to get people's taxes as low as possible, reducing taxes where they could, conservatives now adopted the ideal of a monolithic, "fair," imposition of an equal pain on everyone in society.
Every economic activity that escapes taxes and controls is not only a blow for freedom and property rights; it is also one more instance of a free flow of productive energy getting out from under parasitic repression...That is why we should welcome every new loophole, shelter, credit, or exemption, and work, not to shut them down but to expand them to include everyone else, including ourselves.
What is a loophole? If the law does not punish a definite action or does not tax a definite thing, this is not a loophole. It is simply the law...Thanks to these loopholes this country is still a free country.
The time spent by citizens (and their tax accountants and lawyers) trying to legally avoid taxes is in fact a good investment...The very fact that citizens continue to engage in such activities on a large scale, year after year, is a demonstration of its inherent efficiency in the minds of taxpayers.
The solution therefore lies in extending tax breaks so as to give a larger number of businesses tax breaks as well. Certainly, eliminating the tax breaks only increase government revenue and makes everyone's tax burden higher. If one's goal is to reduce effective tax rates, then it only makes sense to support and extend every sort of tax break and tax credit imaginable.
In 1986, however, everything changed. Conservatives joined liberals in scorning the tax credit as a "subsidy"...and in rejecting the tax credit approach as a "loophole," a breach in the noble ideal of a monolithic uniformity of taxation. Instead of trying to get people's taxes as low as possible, reducing taxes where they could, conservatives now adopted the ideal of a monolithic, "fair," imposition of an equal pain on everyone in society.
Every economic activity that escapes taxes and controls is not only a blow for freedom and property rights; it is also one more instance of a free flow of productive energy getting out from under parasitic repression...That is why we should welcome every new loophole, shelter, credit, or exemption, and work, not to shut them down but to expand them to include everyone else, including ourselves.
What is a loophole? If the law does not punish a definite action or does not tax a definite thing, this is not a loophole. It is simply the law...Thanks to these loopholes this country is still a free country.
The time spent by citizens (and their tax accountants and lawyers) trying to legally avoid taxes is in fact a good investment...The very fact that citizens continue to engage in such activities on a large scale, year after year, is a demonstration of its inherent efficiency in the minds of taxpayers.
The solution therefore lies in extending tax breaks so as to give a larger number of businesses tax breaks as well. Certainly, eliminating the tax breaks only increase government revenue and makes everyone's tax burden higher. If one's goal is to reduce effective tax rates, then it only makes sense to support and extend every sort of tax break and tax credit imaginable.
Concentrations of private wealth and the central state are simply two sides of the same coin. Private wealth, monopolies and cartels are all protected and enforced by the state/central bank: the status quo exists to protect the privileges of the few at the expense of the many.
Of course, a good tax-“cheat”...is one of our greatest benefactors. Every dollar he keeps out of some government’s hands is one less bullet aimed at us, one less corporatist paid for technology to spy on, arrest, cage or otherwise abuse us.
Let’s face it, taxation is a form of state theft, so the smart ones will always find ways to ensure the state steals the minimum from them.
People do have the right to privacy. They have a right to organize their affairs as they wish, so long as they do it in a non-criminal way. But that’s not stopping governments from using them sensationally to give the impression that users of offshore tax havens are guilty until proven innocent.
One can certainly understand the anonymous source’s indignation that some people are so much wealthier than others. But the solution is to encourage more freedom not less. The source has it backward. The best way to create wealth is to reduce government activism, not encourage it.
Concentrations of private wealth and the central state are simply two sides of the same coin. Private wealth, monopolies and cartels are all protected and enforced by the state/central bank: the status quo exists to protect the privileges of the few at the expense of the many.
Of course, a good tax-“cheat”...is one of our greatest benefactors. Every dollar he keeps out of some government’s hands is one less bullet aimed at us, one less corporatist paid for technology to spy on, arrest, cage or otherwise abuse us.
Let’s face it, taxation is a form of state theft, so the smart ones will always find ways to ensure the state steals the minimum from them.
People do have the right to privacy. They have a right to organize their affairs as they wish, so long as they do it in a non-criminal way. But that’s not stopping governments from using them sensationally to give the impression that users of offshore tax havens are guilty until proven innocent.
One can certainly understand the anonymous source’s indignation that some people are so much wealthier than others. But the solution is to encourage more freedom not less. The source has it backward. The best way to create wealth is to reduce government activism, not encourage it.
While it is still popular to claim that the United States has never defaulted on its debt, this is a myth. The US has been forced to default a couple of times throughout history, the last of which being when Richard Nixon’s closed the gold window. By cutting the ability of foreign governments to redeem US dollars for gold, America was allowed to pay back past debt with devalued fiat money.
Social Security has long been sold to the public on the notion that what a worker will receive back is what he or she pays into the system. For decades, however, the government has been changing the terms of this “agreement” as part of an effort to avoid outright default. This long, slow method of piecemeal default, however, is likely to continue.
Treasuries are bonds just like any other bonds. There’s nothing magic, mythical, or sacred about them...Bankrupt firms, like bankrupt families, restructure their debt obligations all the time. The notion of T-bills as sacred relics to be once and forever “risk-free” seems more like religion than economics to me.
States that defaulted temporarily were able to regain access to the credit market by settling their old debts. More surprisingly, two states that repudiated a part of their debt were able to regain access to capital markets after servicing the remainder of their debt for a time.
Back then, nations that defaulted on their international debts put themselves at the risk of invasion. In the sovereign debt-repayment literature, such invasions, and threats to invade, are called gunboat diplomacy.
While it is still popular to claim that the United States has never defaulted on its debt, this is a myth. The US has been forced to default a couple of times throughout history, the last of which being when Richard Nixon’s closed the gold window. By cutting the ability of foreign governments to redeem US dollars for gold, America was allowed to pay back past debt with devalued fiat money.
Social Security has long been sold to the public on the notion that what a worker will receive back is what he or she pays into the system. For decades, however, the government has been changing the terms of this “agreement” as part of an effort to avoid outright default. This long, slow method of piecemeal default, however, is likely to continue.
Treasuries are bonds just like any other bonds. There’s nothing magic, mythical, or sacred about them...Bankrupt firms, like bankrupt families, restructure their debt obligations all the time. The notion of T-bills as sacred relics to be once and forever “risk-free” seems more like religion than economics to me.
States that defaulted temporarily were able to regain access to the credit market by settling their old debts. More surprisingly, two states that repudiated a part of their debt were able to regain access to capital markets after servicing the remainder of their debt for a time.
Back then, nations that defaulted on their international debts put themselves at the risk of invasion. In the sovereign debt-repayment literature, such invasions, and threats to invade, are called gunboat diplomacy.
A State of War, implying an unlimited power of disposition over the lives and goods of the majority, allows the governing class to increase State employments at will—that is, to increase its own sphere of employment...In this way a State of War continues to be profitable both to the governing class as a whole, and to those officials who administer and officer the army.
The more you examine this matter the more you will come to the conclusion which I have arrived at, that this foreign policy, this regard for “the liberties of Europe,” this care at one time for “the Protestant interests,” this excessive love for the “balance of power,” is neither more nor less than a gigantic system of out-door relief for the aristocracy of Great Britain.
Those who are to conduct a war cannot in the nature of things, be proper or safe judges, whether a war ought to be commenced, continued, or concluded. They are barred from the latter functions by a great principle in free government, analogous to that which separates the sword from the purse, or the power of executing from the power of enacting laws.
What is war? I believe that half the people that talk about war have not the slightest idea of what it is. In a short sentence it may be summed up to be the combination and concentration of all the horrors, atrocities, crimes, and sufferings of which human nature on this globe is capable…
But it is not consistent with the supremacy of that moral law which mysteriously sways the fate of empires, as well as of individuals, that deeds of violence, fraud, and injustice, should be committed with permanent profit and advantage. If wrongs are perpetrated in the name, and by the authority, of this great country, by its proconsuls or naval commanders in distant quarters of the globe, it is not by throwing the flimsy veil of a “double government” over such transactions that we shall ultimately escape the penalty attaching to deeds for which we are really responsible. How, or when, the retribution will re-act upon us, I presume not to say.
A State of War, implying an unlimited power of disposition over the lives and goods of the majority, allows the governing class to increase State employments at will—that is, to increase its own sphere of employment...In this way a State of War continues to be profitable both to the governing class as a whole, and to those officials who administer and officer the army.
The more you examine this matter the more you will come to the conclusion which I have arrived at, that this foreign policy, this regard for “the liberties of Europe,” this care at one time for “the Protestant interests,” this excessive love for the “balance of power,” is neither more nor less than a gigantic system of out-door relief for the aristocracy of Great Britain.
Those who are to conduct a war cannot in the nature of things, be proper or safe judges, whether a war ought to be commenced, continued, or concluded. They are barred from the latter functions by a great principle in free government, analogous to that which separates the sword from the purse, or the power of executing from the power of enacting laws.
What is war? I believe that half the people that talk about war have not the slightest idea of what it is. In a short sentence it may be summed up to be the combination and concentration of all the horrors, atrocities, crimes, and sufferings of which human nature on this globe is capable…
But it is not consistent with the supremacy of that moral law which mysteriously sways the fate of empires, as well as of individuals, that deeds of violence, fraud, and injustice, should be committed with permanent profit and advantage. If wrongs are perpetrated in the name, and by the authority, of this great country, by its proconsuls or naval commanders in distant quarters of the globe, it is not by throwing the flimsy veil of a “double government” over such transactions that we shall ultimately escape the penalty attaching to deeds for which we are really responsible. How, or when, the retribution will re-act upon us, I presume not to say.
That is, if the workers want a very high proportion of their total earnings in money, and very little in the form of working conditions, then the business has every incentive to accommodate them. So there is nothing wrong with sweatshops, per se. The difficulty, rather, is poverty. The total wages are so low that the employees want to economize on the accoutrements of the factory, rather than take-home pay. And why, in turn, are wages so low? This is because in many third-world countries, worker productivity is very small.
Capital investment in poor countries will cause wages to rise over time by increasing the marginal productivity of labor...Discouraging such investment, which is the objective of the anti-sweatshop movement, will do the opposite and cause wages to stagnate.
Instead of remonstrating against Nike, how about protesting against the taxes and regulations that lower the firm’s return on invested capital and, therefore, the wages of its employees?
Anti-sweatshop groups are fighting the wrong battle. To borrow from the economist David Henderson, we don’t help people by trying to forestall the decisions they actually make. We do much better for them by expanding their options.
People often mistake minimum wages, worker safety laws, bans on child labor, and other government regulations for improvements in living standards...Instead, the laws largely came after our development and mostly codified improvements in wages and conditions that market forces had already improved.
That is, if the workers want a very high proportion of their total earnings in money, and very little in the form of working conditions, then the business has every incentive to accommodate them. So there is nothing wrong with sweatshops, per se. The difficulty, rather, is poverty. The total wages are so low that the employees want to economize on the accoutrements of the factory, rather than take-home pay. And why, in turn, are wages so low? This is because in many third-world countries, worker productivity is very small.
Capital investment in poor countries will cause wages to rise over time by increasing the marginal productivity of labor...Discouraging such investment, which is the objective of the anti-sweatshop movement, will do the opposite and cause wages to stagnate.
Instead of remonstrating against Nike, how about protesting against the taxes and regulations that lower the firm’s return on invested capital and, therefore, the wages of its employees?
Anti-sweatshop groups are fighting the wrong battle. To borrow from the economist David Henderson, we don’t help people by trying to forestall the decisions they actually make. We do much better for them by expanding their options.
People often mistake minimum wages, worker safety laws, bans on child labor, and other government regulations for improvements in living standards...Instead, the laws largely came after our development and mostly codified improvements in wages and conditions that market forces had already improved.
If the law is thrown aside in order to prosecute some nebulous “bad,” what will happen to the “good” when the roles are reversed? If hate speech is to be defined, who gets to say what it is and is not?
Rather, the introduction of hate-speech prohibitions into international law was championed in its heyday by the Soviet Union and allies. Their motive was readily apparent. The communist countries sought to exploit such laws to limit free speech...[T]he Soviet proposal would be targeted not just at Nazism but also against agitation in favor of capitalism and liberal democracy, and in all likelihood against any other political ideology than the supposed real democracy of communism.
New leftists may have proposed unfettered free speech back in the early 1960s, but that was just because the right was the one in power culturally at the time...Now the situation has reversed. The right is at the disadvantage so it appeals to free speech. The left is ahead and no longer needs free speech, so it has discarded it.
That is not in itself an unreasonable question, but Waldron ignores one vital issue. He is endeavoring to make a case for the regulation of hate speech. He cannot then fairly shift the onus probandi entirely to the side of his opponents, saying to them, "prove that hate speech does not much affect its victims." It is for him to show that hate speech in fact has the dire effects he attributes to it.
Hatred sometimes provides a dark place of comfort for the weak, and it can be addictive...Yet, God, too, hates. He hates sin, and we, as well, must hate sin. But like the families of those murdered in Charleston, we must imitate our Creator: We must love the sinner and the hater.
If the law is thrown aside in order to prosecute some nebulous “bad,” what will happen to the “good” when the roles are reversed? If hate speech is to be defined, who gets to say what it is and is not?
Rather, the introduction of hate-speech prohibitions into international law was championed in its heyday by the Soviet Union and allies. Their motive was readily apparent. The communist countries sought to exploit such laws to limit free speech...[T]he Soviet proposal would be targeted not just at Nazism but also against agitation in favor of capitalism and liberal democracy, and in all likelihood against any other political ideology than the supposed real democracy of communism.
New leftists may have proposed unfettered free speech back in the early 1960s, but that was just because the right was the one in power culturally at the time...Now the situation has reversed. The right is at the disadvantage so it appeals to free speech. The left is ahead and no longer needs free speech, so it has discarded it.
That is not in itself an unreasonable question, but Waldron ignores one vital issue. He is endeavoring to make a case for the regulation of hate speech. He cannot then fairly shift the onus probandi entirely to the side of his opponents, saying to them, "prove that hate speech does not much affect its victims." It is for him to show that hate speech in fact has the dire effects he attributes to it.
Hatred sometimes provides a dark place of comfort for the weak, and it can be addictive...Yet, God, too, hates. He hates sin, and we, as well, must hate sin. But like the families of those murdered in Charleston, we must imitate our Creator: We must love the sinner and the hater.
# 欽定訳聖書より。現在では原典から英語への翻訳に一部誤りがあるとされるが、平和思想を表す言葉として有名。
The evangelist Luke “on earth peace, good will toward men” (1st century)
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Dante Alighieri on human perfectibility and peace on earth (1559)
Whence it is manifest that universal peace is the best of those things which are ordained for our beatitude. And hence to the shepherds sounded from on high the message not of riches, nor pleasures, nor honors, nor length of life, nor health, nor beauty; but the message of peace.
Erasmus stands against war and for peace on earth (16th century)
At the nativity of Jesus Christ, the angels sung not the glories of war, nor a song of triumph, but a hymn of peace.“Glory to God in the highest; on earth peace; good-will towards men.”
Petrarch on the mercenary wars in Italy and the need for peace on earth (1344)
O, ere ye press the strand, Soften those furrowed brows of scorn and hate...and consecrate Your lives to a better fate, To deeds of generous worth, To gracious acts that cheer and bless mankind; Thus will you gather joy and peace on earth And heaven’s pathway opened wide will find.
# フスは宗教改革者。亡命先からこの手紙を書いた3年後、火刑に処される。
Jan Huss' Christmas letters and his call for peace on earth (1412)
When, too, He was minded to depart from them to His death, He said: Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. After His manner, therefore, I desire peace for you also, dear friends—peace to you from Him...
# 欽定訳聖書より。現在では原典から英語への翻訳に一部誤りがあるとされるが、平和思想を表す言葉として有名。
The evangelist Luke “on earth peace, good will toward men” (1st century)
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Dante Alighieri on human perfectibility and peace on earth (1559)
Whence it is manifest that universal peace is the best of those things which are ordained for our beatitude. And hence to the shepherds sounded from on high the message not of riches, nor pleasures, nor honors, nor length of life, nor health, nor beauty; but the message of peace.
Erasmus stands against war and for peace on earth (16th century)
At the nativity of Jesus Christ, the angels sung not the glories of war, nor a song of triumph, but a hymn of peace.“Glory to God in the highest; on earth peace; good-will towards men.”
Petrarch on the mercenary wars in Italy and the need for peace on earth (1344)
O, ere ye press the strand, Soften those furrowed brows of scorn and hate...and consecrate Your lives to a better fate, To deeds of generous worth, To gracious acts that cheer and bless mankind; Thus will you gather joy and peace on earth And heaven’s pathway opened wide will find.
# フスは宗教改革者。亡命先からこの手紙を書いた3年後、火刑に処される。
Jan Huss' Christmas letters and his call for peace on earth (1412)
When, too, He was minded to depart from them to His death, He said: Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. After His manner, therefore, I desire peace for you also, dear friends—peace to you from Him...
Cronyist deals like the Olympics help remind us that there’s a big difference between support for free enterprise, and support for “big business.” Economic development corporations and business associations such as chambers of commerce are usually more than happy to squeeze a few more bucks out of the taxpayers if the money will go toward whatever the “business community” thinks should be subsidized at any given time. But, the entrepreneurs, employers, and taxpayers who lack lobbyists and pocketed politicians mean little to the business “leaders” who set policy.
Theoretically, the Olympics are a private organization, but in practice, it is a corporatist organization run by plutocrats whose mission in life is apparently to squeeze as much tax revenue as possible out of the residents of the countries and cities that host the Olympics.
For the sake of both the games and the hapless taxpayers who must supply the funds for the construction of such utterly unnecessary facilities, the IOC should abandon its cozy relationships with governments, and adopt policies that encourage the use of existing sports facilities, much like the World Games already does, and should refuse to accept any taxpayer funding whatsoever.
When the state heavily finances any project, including the training of Olympic athletes or the staging of Olympic games, its efforts seem foolish or wasteful when its intended results do not come about...The solution to these problems is to remove state influence from all aspects of Olympic competition.
Cutting out heads of state and national flags and medal counts and all those other pieces that make the Olympics about national teams rather than the athletes will only make the Olympics more relevant to younger viewers while distancing the games from the minds of pundits and politicians who think that the Olympic games are just another enterprise waiting to be "improved" by governments and their friends.
Cronyist deals like the Olympics help remind us that there’s a big difference between support for free enterprise, and support for “big business.” Economic development corporations and business associations such as chambers of commerce are usually more than happy to squeeze a few more bucks out of the taxpayers if the money will go toward whatever the “business community” thinks should be subsidized at any given time. But, the entrepreneurs, employers, and taxpayers who lack lobbyists and pocketed politicians mean little to the business “leaders” who set policy.
Theoretically, the Olympics are a private organization, but in practice, it is a corporatist organization run by plutocrats whose mission in life is apparently to squeeze as much tax revenue as possible out of the residents of the countries and cities that host the Olympics.
For the sake of both the games and the hapless taxpayers who must supply the funds for the construction of such utterly unnecessary facilities, the IOC should abandon its cozy relationships with governments, and adopt policies that encourage the use of existing sports facilities, much like the World Games already does, and should refuse to accept any taxpayer funding whatsoever.
When the state heavily finances any project, including the training of Olympic athletes or the staging of Olympic games, its efforts seem foolish or wasteful when its intended results do not come about...The solution to these problems is to remove state influence from all aspects of Olympic competition.
Cutting out heads of state and national flags and medal counts and all those other pieces that make the Olympics about national teams rather than the athletes will only make the Olympics more relevant to younger viewers while distancing the games from the minds of pundits and politicians who think that the Olympic games are just another enterprise waiting to be "improved" by governments and their friends.
ビックス『 戦争犯罪と国家の倫理』
The OECD no more reflects the "will of the people" than does the EU or the UN, although, like them, it hides behind the same democratic bafflegab...Still less does the OECD represent any more than a cartel of enforcers for high-tax governments. Ironically, any corporation that acted like that would be prosecuted under antitrust law.
In a global world an effective tax cartel will have to be international; there is little benefit for the European governments in stamping out tax competition within the borders of the Union if there
are still low-tax jurisdictions elsewhere.
Certainly, throughout history, flight to avoid tax has been taxpayers' first choice of ways to avoid intolerable taxation.
Many groups in the world face discrimination and hostility, often from government...When people belong to groups that are unpopular and susceptible to being targeted by the government, it makes sense for them to protect their families’ interests by putting money someplace like Hong Kong, where the politicians from their country have no feasible way to find out about it.
Far from cheating citizens of North America and Europe tax havens provide an essential escape route that enables capital to be preserved for productive purposes. In addition, it buttresses what is a core value of the West, namely freedom.
The OECD no more reflects the "will of the people" than does the EU or the UN, although, like them, it hides behind the same democratic bafflegab...Still less does the OECD represent any more than a cartel of enforcers for high-tax governments. Ironically, any corporation that acted like that would be prosecuted under antitrust law.
In a global world an effective tax cartel will have to be international; there is little benefit for the European governments in stamping out tax competition within the borders of the Union if there
are still low-tax jurisdictions elsewhere.
Certainly, throughout history, flight to avoid tax has been taxpayers' first choice of ways to avoid intolerable taxation.
Many groups in the world face discrimination and hostility, often from government...When people belong to groups that are unpopular and susceptible to being targeted by the government, it makes sense for them to protect their families’ interests by putting money someplace like Hong Kong, where the politicians from their country have no feasible way to find out about it.
Far from cheating citizens of North America and Europe tax havens provide an essential escape route that enables capital to be preserved for productive purposes. In addition, it buttresses what is a core value of the West, namely freedom.
"There cannot be a good tax nor a just one; every tax rests its case on compulsion." - Frank Chodorov
"Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto." - Thomas Jefferson
「税務署員(tax man)と剝製師(taxidermist)の違い。剝製師は皮まで取らない」(マーク・トウェイン)
"The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin." - Mark Twain
"All public projects are mausoleums, not always in shape, but always in cost." - Ayn Rand
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
"There cannot be a good tax nor a just one; every tax rests its case on compulsion." - Frank Chodorov
"Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto." - Thomas Jefferson
「税務署員(tax man)と剝製師(taxidermist)の違い。剝製師は皮まで取らない」(マーク・トウェイン)
"The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin." - Mark Twain
"All public projects are mausoleums, not always in shape, but always in cost." - Ayn Rand
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
"Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance." - H.L. Mencken
"The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire." - Robert A. Heinlein
"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at its worst, an intolerant one." - Thomas Paine
"Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure." - Robert LeFevre
"Everyone has the right to make his own decisions, but none has the right to force his decision on others." - Ayn Rand
"Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance." - H.L. Mencken
"The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire." - Robert A. Heinlein
"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at its worst, an intolerant one." - Thomas Paine
"Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure." - Robert LeFevre
"Everyone has the right to make his own decisions, but none has the right to force his decision on others." - Ayn Rand
# 九年も前に別れた夫から子供の養育費について書類をもらって来いと要求。
# 窓口相談で保護の申請を押しとどめれば、何かあっても役所の「汚点」にならない。
# 書類作成が目的化。官僚主義の本末転倒。
# 不正受給の防止が仕事に。放漫財政のしわ寄せ。政府に資金を頼る宿命。
I propose, then, a seemingly drastic but actually far less destructive way of paying off the public debt at a single blow: outright debt repudiation. Consider this question: why should the poor, battered citizens of Russia or Poland or the other ex-Communist countries be bound by the debts contracted by their former Communist masters?...And why should we, struggling American citizens of today, be bound by debts created by a past ruling elite who contracted these debts at our expense?
But the idea that the US can never restructure or even repudiate the national debt...is wildly speculative at best, preposterous at worst...There is lots of evidence on private, corporate, and sovereign defaults, and the results are hardly catastrophic. Depending on the circumstances, the benefits of reducing debt can exceed the costs of harming the borrower's reputation and thus increasing the costs of future borrowing.
In summary, as a taxpayer, you did not borrow the funds, you did not spend the funds, and you have no moral obligation to repay the funds...Repudiation is not only a sound economic solution to our fiscal crisis, but it is also the morally correct solution...As an added bonus, default would be as effective, if not more effective, than a balanced budget amendment, in reducing the likelihood of a future reoccurrence of the problem.
Government debt is different. When a government issues debt on the bond market, it is not pledging to make good on it out of its own resources...What a government pledges to its creditors is payment of the future wealth of its subjects, the taxpayers. This is wealth obtained through violent coercion and pledged without its owner’s consent. Any moral claim the creditors who buy such debt have to repayment from the victims is thus non-existent.
Should we really feel bad for those who have purchased government bonds? They are the ones who have been feeding the monstrously reckless actions of the government. When they get (partially) burned, will they be willing to finance more government debt? Of course not...The government would have to deal with its future overspending.
I propose, then, a seemingly drastic but actually far less destructive way of paying off the public debt at a single blow: outright debt repudiation. Consider this question: why should the poor, battered citizens of Russia or Poland or the other ex-Communist countries be bound by the debts contracted by their former Communist masters?...And why should we, struggling American citizens of today, be bound by debts created by a past ruling elite who contracted these debts at our expense?
But the idea that the US can never restructure or even repudiate the national debt...is wildly speculative at best, preposterous at worst...There is lots of evidence on private, corporate, and sovereign defaults, and the results are hardly catastrophic. Depending on the circumstances, the benefits of reducing debt can exceed the costs of harming the borrower's reputation and thus increasing the costs of future borrowing.
In summary, as a taxpayer, you did not borrow the funds, you did not spend the funds, and you have no moral obligation to repay the funds...Repudiation is not only a sound economic solution to our fiscal crisis, but it is also the morally correct solution...As an added bonus, default would be as effective, if not more effective, than a balanced budget amendment, in reducing the likelihood of a future reoccurrence of the problem.
Government debt is different. When a government issues debt on the bond market, it is not pledging to make good on it out of its own resources...What a government pledges to its creditors is payment of the future wealth of its subjects, the taxpayers. This is wealth obtained through violent coercion and pledged without its owner’s consent. Any moral claim the creditors who buy such debt have to repayment from the victims is thus non-existent.
Should we really feel bad for those who have purchased government bonds? They are the ones who have been feeding the monstrously reckless actions of the government. When they get (partially) burned, will they be willing to finance more government debt? Of course not...The government would have to deal with its future overspending.
# 「原発は市場原理主義」という真っ赤な嘘。
# 政府の本質は無責任。多数の人間が参画するほどそうなる。
# 地域を蝕む補助金。真の繁栄は民需から。
# 政府にとって金食い虫の事業こそ理想。
"The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates." - Tacitus
"Useless laws weaken the necessary laws." - Montesquieu
"Laws do not persuade just because they threaten." - Seneca
"The greatest productive force is human selfishness." - Robert Heinlein
"There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil." - Ayn Rand
"The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates." - Tacitus
"Useless laws weaken the necessary laws." - Montesquieu
"Laws do not persuade just because they threaten." - Seneca
"The greatest productive force is human selfishness." - Robert Heinlein
"There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil." - Ayn Rand
Hence, the seemingly common-sense view that a retail sales tax will readily be shifted forward to the consumer is totally incorrect. In contrast, the initial impact of the tax will be on the net incomes of retail firms. Their severe losses will lead to a rapid downward shift in demand curves, backward to land and labor, i.e., to wage rates and ground rents. Hence, instead of the retail sales tax being quickly and painlessly shifted forward, it will, in a longer-run, be painfully shifted backward to the incomes of labor and landowners.
Because it places an extra cost onto every step of the productive process, the VAT necessarily decreases the marginal productivity of both capital and labor in literally their every possible application...By decreasing the real output derived from national resources in this manner, the VAT necessarily decreases the material standard of living for all of a nation's consumers.
But this ignores the fact that every business firm will be burdened by the cost of innumerable record keeping and collection for the government. The result will be an inexorable push of the business system toward "vertical mergers" and the reduction of competition.
Why is it that people who rightly criticize the income tax are so quick to accept a national sales tax on consumption? The FairTax perpetuates the fallacy that the government has a right to confiscate a percentage of the value of each new good sold and every service rendered. This is no different than claiming that the government has a right to the portion of each American's income.
It is not the size of the yield, nor the certainty of collection, which gives indirect taxation preeminence in the State’s scheme of appropriation. Its most commendable quality is that of being surreptitious. It is taking, so to speak, while the victim is not looking. Those who strain themselves to give taxation a moral character are under obligation to explain the State’s preoccupation with hiding taxes in the price of goods.
Hence, the seemingly common-sense view that a retail sales tax will readily be shifted forward to the consumer is totally incorrect. In contrast, the initial impact of the tax will be on the net incomes of retail firms. Their severe losses will lead to a rapid downward shift in demand curves, backward to land and labor, i.e., to wage rates and ground rents. Hence, instead of the retail sales tax being quickly and painlessly shifted forward, it will, in a longer-run, be painfully shifted backward to the incomes of labor and landowners.
Because it places an extra cost onto every step of the productive process, the VAT necessarily decreases the marginal productivity of both capital and labor in literally their every possible application...By decreasing the real output derived from national resources in this manner, the VAT necessarily decreases the material standard of living for all of a nation's consumers.
But this ignores the fact that every business firm will be burdened by the cost of innumerable record keeping and collection for the government. The result will be an inexorable push of the business system toward "vertical mergers" and the reduction of competition.
Why is it that people who rightly criticize the income tax are so quick to accept a national sales tax on consumption? The FairTax perpetuates the fallacy that the government has a right to confiscate a percentage of the value of each new good sold and every service rendered. This is no different than claiming that the government has a right to the portion of each American's income.
It is not the size of the yield, nor the certainty of collection, which gives indirect taxation preeminence in the State’s scheme of appropriation. Its most commendable quality is that of being surreptitious. It is taking, so to speak, while the victim is not looking. Those who strain themselves to give taxation a moral character are under obligation to explain the State’s preoccupation with hiding taxes in the price of goods.
Herbert Spencer on the State’s cultivation of “the religion of enmity” to justify its actions (1884)
Chiefly, however, the maintenance of this faith [in governmental ability and authority] is necessitated by the maintenance of fitness for war...it is requisite that men should have such belief in the authority of government as shall give it adequate coercive power over them for war purposes—a belief in its authority which inevitably, at the same time, gives it coercive power over them for other purposes.
Kant believed that citizens must give their free consent via their representatives to every separate declaration of war (1790)
As such they [citizens] must give their free consent, through their representatives, not only to the carrying on of war generally, but to every separate declaration of war; and it is only under this limiting condition that the State has a Right to demand their services in undertakings so full of danger.
Richard Cobden on public opinion and peace on earth (c. 1865)
When the Master whom you especially serve, and whose example and precepts are the sole credentials of your faith, mingled in the affairs or this life, it was not to join in the exaltation of military genius, or share in the warlike triumphs of nation over nation, but to preach “Peace on EARTH and good will toward MEN.”
Jefferson on the inevitability of revolution in England only after which there will be peace on earth (1817)
I turn, however, with some confidence to a different auxiliary, a revolution in England, now, I believe unavoidable...Their government has acted over again the fable of the frog and the ox; and their bloated system has burst...Their debts have consequently accumulated by their follies & frauds, until the interest is equal to the aggregate rents of all the farms in their country.
Madison on “the most noble of all ambitions” which a government can have, of promoting peace on earth (1816)
And may I not be allowed to add to this gratifying spectacle that I shall read in the character of the American people, in their devotion to true liberty and to the Constitution which is its palladium, sure presages that the destined career of my country will exhibit a Government pursuing the public good as its sole object, and regulating its means by the great principles consecrated in its charter, and by those moral principles to which they are so well allied; … a Government which avoids intrusions on the internal repose of other nations, and repels them from its own;
Herbert Spencer on the State’s cultivation of “the religion of enmity” to justify its actions (1884)
Chiefly, however, the maintenance of this faith [in governmental ability and authority] is necessitated by the maintenance of fitness for war...it is requisite that men should have such belief in the authority of government as shall give it adequate coercive power over them for war purposes—a belief in its authority which inevitably, at the same time, gives it coercive power over them for other purposes.
Kant believed that citizens must give their free consent via their representatives to every separate declaration of war (1790)
As such they [citizens] must give their free consent, through their representatives, not only to the carrying on of war generally, but to every separate declaration of war; and it is only under this limiting condition that the State has a Right to demand their services in undertakings so full of danger.
Richard Cobden on public opinion and peace on earth (c. 1865)
When the Master whom you especially serve, and whose example and precepts are the sole credentials of your faith, mingled in the affairs or this life, it was not to join in the exaltation of military genius, or share in the warlike triumphs of nation over nation, but to preach “Peace on EARTH and good will toward MEN.”
Jefferson on the inevitability of revolution in England only after which there will be peace on earth (1817)
I turn, however, with some confidence to a different auxiliary, a revolution in England, now, I believe unavoidable...Their government has acted over again the fable of the frog and the ox; and their bloated system has burst...Their debts have consequently accumulated by their follies & frauds, until the interest is equal to the aggregate rents of all the farms in their country.
Madison on “the most noble of all ambitions” which a government can have, of promoting peace on earth (1816)
And may I not be allowed to add to this gratifying spectacle that I shall read in the character of the American people, in their devotion to true liberty and to the Constitution which is its palladium, sure presages that the destined career of my country will exhibit a Government pursuing the public good as its sole object, and regulating its means by the great principles consecrated in its charter, and by those moral principles to which they are so well allied; … a Government which avoids intrusions on the internal repose of other nations, and repels them from its own;
# 現実の国家も、このマイ国家以上の合理的な存在根拠があるわけではない。
# 最初にごっそり取るのは善人面をした政治エリート。
# だが政府はつねに、貧困層増大の責任を政府以外に押しつける。
# 自衛権を理由とする武装が国家には当然のものとして認められ、主権者であるはずの個人には認められない矛盾。
# 形式的に消費税分を上乗せしても、本体の値引きで実質負担することに。
# 赤字でも納税義務。資金繰りに窮し滞納相次ぐ。滞納額は国税の半分以上。
# 経団連が消費増税を支持する本当の理由。輸出大手に事実上の補助金。
# 消費増税の目的に社会保障を掲げるまやかし。
# それを安易に認める裁判所。冤罪なら証拠隠滅するのは警察・検察側。
# たまりかねて無実でも「罪」を認め、自白調書にサインしたくなるのは当然の心理。
# 裁判官は正常な判断を下すよりも、司法の安定という虚構を優先。検察・警察の受けもよい。
# 権力の監視というメディアの役割が問われる。
Lysistrata’s clever plan to end the war between Athens and Sparta (411 BC) Aristophanes
Com. (Member of the city’s ruling committee): Well now, by Jove, I wish to learn this first from them; with what intent you shut up our citadel with your bolts.
Lys. (Lysitrata; That we might make the money safe, and that you might not fight on account of it.
William Graham Sumner on the racism which lies behind Imperialism (1898)
It is an astonishing event that we have lived to see American arms carry this domestic dogma out where it must be tested in its application to uncivilized and half-civilized peoples. At the first touch of the test we throw the doctrine away and adopt the Spanish doctrine.
Benjamin Constant on the dangers to liberty posed by the military spirit (1815)
The measures which ensure the triumph of war prepare the collapse of the law. The military spirit is haughty, swift, swaggering. Law must be calm, often slow, and always protective. The military spirit detests the thinking faculties as incipient indiscipline.
John Bright denounces the power of the war party in England (1878)
But still we cannot disguise from ourselves the fact that there is something of a war party in this country, and that it has free access to some, and indeed to not a few, of the newspapers of the London press...The arguments were the same then exactly as they are now. The falsehoods were the same. The screechings and howlings of a portion of the press were just about the same.
Richard Price on how the “domestic enemies” of liberty have been more powerful and more successful than foreign enemies (1789)
Another expression of our love to our country is defending it against enemies. These enemies are of two sorts, internal and external; or domestic and foreign. The former are the most dangerous, and they have generally been the most successful.
Lysistrata’s clever plan to end the war between Athens and Sparta (411 BC) Aristophanes
Com. (Member of the city’s ruling committee): Well now, by Jove, I wish to learn this first from them; with what intent you shut up our citadel with your bolts.
Lys. (Lysitrata; That we might make the money safe, and that you might not fight on account of it.
William Graham Sumner on the racism which lies behind Imperialism (1898)
It is an astonishing event that we have lived to see American arms carry this domestic dogma out where it must be tested in its application to uncivilized and half-civilized peoples. At the first touch of the test we throw the doctrine away and adopt the Spanish doctrine.
Benjamin Constant on the dangers to liberty posed by the military spirit (1815)
The measures which ensure the triumph of war prepare the collapse of the law. The military spirit is haughty, swift, swaggering. Law must be calm, often slow, and always protective. The military spirit detests the thinking faculties as incipient indiscipline.
John Bright denounces the power of the war party in England (1878)
But still we cannot disguise from ourselves the fact that there is something of a war party in this country, and that it has free access to some, and indeed to not a few, of the newspapers of the London press...The arguments were the same then exactly as they are now. The falsehoods were the same. The screechings and howlings of a portion of the press were just about the same.
Richard Price on how the “domestic enemies” of liberty have been more powerful and more successful than foreign enemies (1789)
Another expression of our love to our country is defending it against enemies. These enemies are of two sorts, internal and external; or domestic and foreign. The former are the most dangerous, and they have generally been the most successful.
# 母親による子供の虐待死や放置死は昔の日本にもあった。
# 凶悪な少年犯罪で「近ごろの子は切れやすい」「戦後教育が間違っている」と非難する誤り。
# 子育てを巡る世間の無理解や冷たい視線に、母親が追い詰められる構図は昔から。
# 介護や生活保護で、血縁で結ばれた家族に多くを期待する現在の考え方には無理。
"The market is a democracy in which every penny gives a right to vote." - Ludwig von Mises
"In capitalist enterprise there is no secure income and no security of wealth." - Ludwig von Mises
"Men cannot be made happy against their will." - Ludwig von Mises
"[Government] is the opposite of liberty. It is beating, imprisoning, hanging." - Ludwig von Mises
"The market economy--capitalism--is a social system of consumers' supremacy." - Ludwig von Mises
"The metamorphosis of taxes into weapons of destruction is the mark of present-day public finance." - Ludwig von Mises
"The market is a democracy in which every penny gives a right to vote." - Ludwig von Mises
"In capitalist enterprise there is no secure income and no security of wealth." - Ludwig von Mises
"Men cannot be made happy against their will." - Ludwig von Mises
"[Government] is the opposite of liberty. It is beating, imprisoning, hanging." - Ludwig von Mises
"The market economy--capitalism--is a social system of consumers' supremacy." - Ludwig von Mises
"The metamorphosis of taxes into weapons of destruction is the mark of present-day public finance." - Ludwig von Mises
"I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way." - Robert Frost
"Official truth is not actual truth." - Lord Acton
"Real Patriotism is a willingness to challnenge your governmnet when it's wrong." - Ron Paul
"When the government fears the people, it is liberty. When the people fear the government, it is tyranny." - Thomas Paine
"Whenever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings." - Heinrich Heine
"I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way." - Robert Frost
"Official truth is not actual truth." - Lord Acton
"Real Patriotism is a willingness to challnenge your governmnet when it's wrong." - Ron Paul
"When the government fears the people, it is liberty. When the people fear the government, it is tyranny." - Thomas Paine
"Whenever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings." - Heinrich Heine
投稿 (Atom)