

I propose, then, a seemingly drastic but actually far less destructive way of paying off the public debt at a single blow: outright debt repudiation. Consider this question: why should the poor, battered citizens of Russia or Poland or the other ex-Communist countries be bound by the debts contracted by their former Communist masters?...And why should we, struggling American citizens of today, be bound by debts created by a past ruling elite who contracted these debts at our expense?

But the idea that the US can never restructure or even repudiate the national debt...is wildly speculative at best, preposterous at worst...There is lots of evidence on private, corporate, and sovereign defaults, and the results are hardly catastrophic. Depending on the circumstances, the benefits of reducing debt can exceed the costs of harming the borrower's reputation and thus increasing the costs of future borrowing.

In summary, as a taxpayer, you did not borrow the funds, you did not spend the funds, and you have no moral obligation to repay the funds...Repudiation is not only a sound economic solution to our fiscal crisis, but it is also the morally correct solution...As an added bonus, default would be as effective, if not more effective, than a balanced budget amendment, in reducing the likelihood of a future reoccurrence of the problem.

Government debt is different. When a government issues debt on the bond market, it is not pledging to make good on it out of its own resources...What a government pledges to its creditors is payment of the future wealth of its subjects, the taxpayers. This is wealth obtained through violent coercion and pledged without its owner’s consent. Any moral claim the creditors who buy such debt have to repayment from the victims is thus non-existent.

Should we really feel bad for those who have purchased government bonds? They are the ones who have been feeding the monstrously reckless actions of the government. When they get (partially) burned, will they be willing to finance more government debt? Of course not...The government would have to deal with its future overspending.

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