

Lysistrata’s clever plan to end the war between Athens and Sparta (411 BC) Aristophanes
Com. (Member of the city’s ruling committee): Well now, by Jove, I wish to learn this first from them; with what intent you shut up our citadel with your bolts.
Lys. (Lysitrata; That we might make the money safe, and that you might not fight on account of it.

William Graham Sumner on the racism which lies behind Imperialism (1898)
It is an astonishing event that we have lived to see American arms carry this domestic dogma out where it must be tested in its application to uncivilized and half-civilized peoples. At the first touch of the test we throw the doctrine away and adopt the Spanish doctrine.

Benjamin Constant on the dangers to liberty posed by the military spirit (1815)
The measures which ensure the triumph of war prepare the collapse of the law. The military spirit is haughty, swift, swaggering. Law must be calm, often slow, and always protective. The military spirit detests the thinking faculties as incipient indiscipline.

John Bright denounces the power of the war party in England (1878)
But still we cannot disguise from ourselves the fact that there is something of a war party in this country, and that it has free access to some, and indeed to not a few, of the newspapers of the London press...The arguments were the same then exactly as they are now. The falsehoods were the same. The screechings and howlings of a portion of the press were just about the same.

Richard Price on how the “domestic enemies” of liberty have been more powerful and more successful than foreign enemies (1789)
Another expression of our love to our country is defending it against enemies. These enemies are of two sorts, internal and external; or domestic and foreign. The former are the most dangerous, and they have generally been the most successful.

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