

# 欽定訳聖書より。現在では原典から英語への翻訳に一部誤りがあるとされるが、平和思想を表す言葉として有名。
The evangelist Luke “on earth peace, good will toward men” (1st century)
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

Dante Alighieri on human perfectibility and peace on earth (1559)
Whence it is manifest that universal peace is the best of those things which are ordained for our beatitude. And hence to the shepherds sounded from on high the message not of riches, nor pleasures, nor honors, nor length of life, nor health, nor beauty; but the message of peace.

Erasmus stands against war and for peace on earth (16th century)
At the nativity of Jesus Christ, the angels sung not the glories of war, nor a song of triumph, but a hymn of peace.“Glory to God in the highest; on earth peace; good-will towards men.”

Petrarch on the mercenary wars in Italy and the need for peace on earth (1344)
O, ere ye press the strand, Soften those furrowed brows of scorn and hate...and consecrate Your lives to a better fate, To deeds of generous worth, To gracious acts that cheer and bless mankind; Thus will you gather joy and peace on earth And heaven’s pathway opened wide will find.

# フスは宗教改革者。亡命先からこの手紙を書いた3年後、火刑に処される。
Jan Huss' Christmas letters and his call for peace on earth (1412)
When, too, He was minded to depart from them to His death, He said: Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. After His manner, therefore, I desire peace for you also, dear friends—peace to you from Him...

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