

When government spends money, it simply takes that money from one place (taxpayers) and moves it to another (state employees, roads, etc.)...Whatever your feeling on the need to improve state roads, do not let the myth of "job creation" and a "boost to the economy" be the rationale.

The supply of labor is limited. We must not allow government to create jobs or we lose the goods and services which otherwise would have come into being. We must reserve precious labor for the important tasks still left undone.

Hence employing individuals in various useless non-wealth generating activities simply leads to a transfer of real wealth from wealth generating activities and this undermines the real wealth-generating process...Ultimately, what matters for the well-being of individuals is not that they are employed as such, but their purchasing power in terms of the goods and services that they earn.

First of all, as worker productivity increases, workers would need to work fewer hours to maintain their standard of living...So, over the long term, we cannot say that more jobs equals more prosperity...Child laborers, for example, are no longer essential to maintaining a family’s standard of living. All those jobs are long gone...Really, the only measure that matters is real household wages and wealth, and what can be acquired with it.

Well, we’ve already got a case study there — the sun. It gives us warmth and mangos for free. And how do we respond? We sit around and lazily enjoy it. So a machine that truly replaced all jobs would simply mean nobody works anymore...We should all be so lucky that the machines do actually take every last job there is.

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