

(Hunter Lewis, Crony Capitalism in America: 2008-2012)



さて、これで理解できるだろうか。「剰余価値」とはマルクス経済学の用語である。 このことからわかるように、ウィキペディア日本語版の解説は、マルクス主義の教義でゆがめられ、読者を混乱させるものとなっている。

その点、英語版の記述ははるかによい。capitalism の定義はこうだ。"Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit."(資本主義とは、生産手段を私有し、それを使って利潤を求める経済の仕組みである)






"Many of the new mega rich of the 1990s and 2000s got their wealth through their government connections or by understanding how government worked. This was especially apparent on Wall Street..."

"This was all the more regrettable because, in a crony capitalist system, the huge gains of the few really do come at the expense of the many. There was an irony here. Perhaps Marx had been right all along! It was just that he was describing a crony capitalist, not a free price system, and his most devoted followers set up a system in the Soviet Union that was cronyist to the core."

"A free price system is not what economists call a zero sum game, in which existing wealth simply changes hands. On the contrary, it continually creates new wealth, large amounts of new wealth, and everybody potentially benefits. A cronyist system by contrast is a negative sum game; it destroys what wealth exists without creating much new wealth to replenish it."

"When word of Timothy Geithner’s selection to be President Obama’s treasury secretary leaked, the stocks of companies considered close to him immediately jumped by an average of 15%...Geithner had already saved many of these companies billions of dollars when, as president of the New York Fed, he had quietly vetoed a plan for banks to take losses on their contracts with failed insurer AIG, and had instead decided that the government, that is the taxpayers, would absorb the loss."

"Wall Street made as much profit in the first three years under Obama as in the prior eight years under Bush."

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