

歴史家、ラルフ・レイコ(Ralph Raico)への2016年のインタビュー記事「民主主義は兵器となった」(Democracy Has Been Weaponized)より。

自由の逆説というものがある。自由な国ほど経済的に豊かになるため、税収で成り立つ政府が強大になり、国内外で自由の侵害をエスカレートさせる傾向があることをいう。かつて英国は国外で植民地政策を展開し、国内で社会主義的な産業政策や福祉政策を推し進め、結果衰退した。現在その轍を踏もうとしているのが米国である。代表的な民主主義国である英米がともに反自由・反平和的な戦争福祉国家(warfare-welfare state)の道を歩んだことは、民主主義が必ずしも自由や平和と両立しないことを物語る。

Mass democracy, as its nineteenth century liberal opponents foretold, inevitably devolves into a contest of contending forces, motivated by corrupt self-interest, either directly financial or ideological.

“Democracy” has become a concept weaponized by the US government in its global power struggles.

Vladimir Putin, for all his faults, has assisted the cause of peace and freedom on a number of fronts. Let’s not forget that he granted asylum to the heroic whistleblower Edward Snowden, who, if the US and its European lapdogs had had their way, would have been condemned to torture and probably found hanged in his cell.

The great majority of Americans have little interest in and virtually no knowledge of foreign affairs. So, again, control falls into the hands of those who have a very definite interest and know exactly what they want.

It seems to me, though, that the basic reason is that such a war, between two nuclear-armed nations, would mean the end of all ordered society...What would happen if Israel ever decides to exercise the Samson Option, however, is unclear but very troubling.


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