

経済学者、ベンジャミン・パウエル(Benjamin Powell)による2014年の記事「ブラック企業は脱貧困の道」(Sweatshops: A Way Out of Poverty)より抜粋。第三世界について述べたものだが、日本のブラック企業問題も本質は同じ。どんなに劣悪な労働環境でも、失業よりはましだと労働者自身が考えているのであれば、ブラック企業をなくしても労働者のためにならないどころか、失業を強いることになる。


 I find that sweatshops in the third world today benefit the workers who toil in them and aid in the process of capital accumulation that leads to higher living standards in much the same way that factories in Great Britain and the United States did during the Industrial Revolution.

In every country where the sweatshops were located, more than 10 percent of the population lived on less than $2 per day. In more than half of the countries, more than 40 percent did. Yet, in 77 of the 83 cases, the sweatshop wages exceeded the $2 a day threshold.

In short, sweatshops provide the least-bad option for the workers who work in them. But sweatshops are better than just the least-bad option. Sweatshops bring with them the proximate causes of economic development — capital, technology, and the opportunity to build human capital.

Anti-sweatshop groups universally condemn child labor and call for laws banning products made with it. But the process of development is the best cure for child labor...As families escape poverty, they remove their children from the labor force.

My book is concerned with ending poverty in the third world. The main lessons are that many of the means of the anti-sweatshop movement are incompatible with that end. Instead, embracing an environment of property rights and economic freedom that allows the process of economic development, which includes sweatshops, to occur is the greatest cure for poverty.



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