

エコノミスト、リチャード・エベリング(Richard M. Ebeling)による2002年の文章「自由貿易は本当に戦争を防げるか」(Can Free Trade Really Prevent War?)より。




19 世紀は戦争や国際紛争のない世紀ではなかった。しかしそれ以前、またとりわけ20世紀に比べれば、1815年のナポレオン戦争終結から1914年の第一次世界大戦勃発までの百年間は平和で、「戦争のルール」を作る国家間の試みが盛んだった。
The nineteenth century was not without war and international conflict. But in comparison to earlier centuries, and certainly in comparison to the twentieth century, the hundred years between the defeat of Napoleon in 1815 and the opening shots of the First World War in 1914 was a period of relative peace and international attempts to devise "rules of warfare."

All of the treaties and agreements and all of the hopes that international trade would establish a web of mutual interdependency in the areas of commerce, culture, and communication, which would make war impossible or at least more "civilized," died on the battlefields of Europe in 1914.

None of the wars, conflicts, and mass murders of the twentieth century can be blamed on free trade or explained in terms of free trade. The entire last one hundred years was a revolt against the ideas and ideals of the Classical Liberals of the nineteenth century.

The interventionist and planning ideas during the last one hundred years meant that trade among nations could not be left outside of government oversight and control, lest the directions and patterns of international trade undermine and frustrate the goals and purposes of national governments in their domestic affairs.

Free trade was unable to prevent war in the twentieth century because by 1914, very few people believed any longer in the idea of liberty.6 The spirit of economic freedom reached its zenith in the 1860s and 1870s. From then on a counterrevolution began against freedom.

Free trade cannot prevent war when men no longer believe in peace. Free trade is premised on the idea that human relationships should be voluntary and based on mutual consent.

We must continue to fight and hopefully prevail through reason and argument against what Adam Smith referred to in 1776 as the "prejudices of the public" (the economic ignorance of our fellow men) and the opposition of the "private interests" (those who wish to use the power of the state to plunder others in society).14 Until we do, free trade will not replace and then help to prevent future wars.



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