

評論家・ミーゼス研究所会長、ルウェリン・ロックウェル(Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.)による記事(公開日不明)「国旗制定記念日を廃止せよ」(Abolish Flag Day)より。




But contrary to conservative doctrine, not all traditions are worth keeping.

According to the Claremont Institute, it was in the midst of the wartime Progressive Era (the worst years in American history until the New Deal) that the dictator Woodrow Wilson gave the nod to the first Flag Day. Clearly the purpose was war propaganda:

An official declaration of National Flag Day occurred at the hands of Harry Truman, who used it as a way to solidify nationalist sentiment in favor of his Cold War against Russia.

Far from being a day steeped in the American tradition of liberty and independence from tyranny, this day has been set aside so that we will all be loyal to the central government as it builds ever larger and more destructive bombs to control people at home and abroad.

Well, that still leaves us with the Fourth of July, my kind of holiday because it is celebrates the glorious American secession from Britain. This holiday teaches us the true meaning of patriotism: not loyalty to government but revolt against it.


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