

フィリップ・バガス(Philipp Bagus, 独経済学者)
# 政府とそれに癒着した金融機関・企業にとって、カネを自在に生み出してくれる中央銀行という仕組みほどありがたいものはない。しかもユーロ圏の場合、インフレが起こるリスクを他国に押しつけることができるのだから、誘惑はますます強くなる。犠牲になるのは、現金の価値を毀損される各国民である。欧州経済を立て直すには、政府・中銀が無コストで作り出せる不換紙幣の独占発行をやめ、金や銀の裏づけのある貨幣で自由競争を行い、利用者に通貨を選ばせるべきだとバガスは主張する。(木村)
The euro is badly designed. There is one central banking system that can be used by a wide variety of governments to finance themselves. This is the tragedy of the euro: governments can finance their deficits indirectly through the central bank as their debts are pledged as collateral for loans to the banking system. Or they can be directly purchased by the central bank. 
The effect of this policy is to externalize the costs of this monetization of the deficits on all users of the euro, some of them living in other countries. There is therefore an incentive in the euro countries to make deficits and accumulate debt, while externalizing costs on foreigners. They wanted to prevent this with the rules agreed upon within the Stability and Growth Pact, but no one feels bound by those anymore.

参考記事:リバタリアン通信: マネー膨張の限界点

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